Our Ministries
At ARPC, our ministries are designed to help our members and regulars to know Christ better, and become Christ-like in all the seasons of our life on earth.
They are classified into 3 categories:
Our Newcomers come from all walks of life and people! Some are interested seekers. Some are circulating saints. Others are graduates or returnee students from here and overseas – the USA, UK, Australia, NZ and the rest of the world!
And we are here to welcome you as his people! We pray you will find here a loving international and intergenerational community that lives out our unity in Christ.
If you are a believer seeking to integrate into ARPC’s church life, we welcome you to sign up for our Just For Newcomers course.
Our Church family embraces all seasons of life – from children, youth, adults to the golden group. We have one great desire: That we will help people know, love and serve God through all the seasons of their life.
Serving the needs of those in the best season of life (50s on, footloose and fancy-free).
As part of that privilege, we have these ministries to help us be more fruitful in the different seasons of life. These supports complement our on-going teaching program in Sermons and Discipleship Groups. They address practical issues and provide a much-needed support.