children's church

ARPC's Children's Church Ministry partners with Christian parents to raise Godly children as life-long disciples for God’s glory. We also share Jesus with children from families yet to believe.



Babies under 18 months are able to have a place to play and rest in the comfort of a room specially designated for them so that their parents can attend services.


Our programme engages little ones through sto- ries, activities and crafts. They also experience pow- erful connections between Scripture and everyday life by engaging all five of their senses. The Bible comes alive! The curriculum is based on the Hands On Bible Curriculum and Teaching Little Ones, modified by our experienced leaders over a decade.

Pre-school & Primary

Our weekly services involve a big group gather- ing in for worship in songs, prayers and in small group classes for the different age groups.

We encourage Bible familiarisation by teaching memory verses and a two-year Catechism series for preschoolers. (Catechism, a question-and-answer sys- tem for learning, is useful for building young children’s understanding of basic Christian doctrines.) Pre-school programmes are supplemented by the curriculum from Teaching Little Ones. Primary programmes generally follow the Adult Preaching Series for the year.

Special events are organised throughout the year to complement the teaching curriculum and engage learn- ing through missions, camps and special programmes.

Where we meet









(under 18 months)

Cry Room (L3)

Cry Room (Chapel, L1)

Cry Room (L4)


(18 - 36 months)

Grace/ Charity (L2)

Peace (Chapel, L2)

Toddler (L4)


(3 - 6 years)

Peace/ Patience/ Kindness (L2)

Praise Hall (Chapel, L1)

Rooms 10 - 12 (L3)


(7-12 years)

Love & Joy (L2)

Choir Room (KCPSS, L2)

Room 4 - 6 (L3)


Children's Church

Service Times

Sat 5pm | Sun 9am & 11:30am

Crèch (under 18 months)

Level 3: Cry Room

Toddlers (18-36 months)

Level 2: Charity Room

Pre-school (3-6 years)

Level 2: Peace/Patience/Kindness

Primary (7-12 years)

Level 2: Love/Joy Room

Sun 9am

Crèch (under 18 months)

Chapel: Cry Room

Toddlers (18-36 months)

Chapel, Level 2: Peace Room

Pre-school (3-6 years)

Chapel: Praise Hall

Primary (7-12 years)

KCPSS: Level 2, KCPSS Choir Room

Teaching Programmes for Children's Church groups as follows:

Creche & Toddlers’ Group

The Crèche does not have a formal teaching programme but children under 18 months are left there for social interaction and for leaders to support parents in building strong partnership with church from infancy.

The Toddlers’ Group follows the Hands-On Bible Curriculum, which makes gospel learning tangible by using common objects.

PRe-school age groups

The Nursery children will be learning from the Teaching Little Ones series on “Introducing The Bible” (IB)—a syllabus that begins with Jesus as God’s Son (leading up to Easter) and then moves from Genesis (Creation, Noah, Abraham, Joseph) to Moses, Samuel and David in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, we are introduced to Peter and Paul and then we learn more about God’s Son, Jesus, at Christmas. The Kindy curriculum will be taken from the Teaching Little Ones series that include syllabus from “Promises” (P), which covers how God makes promises in a covenantal relationship with His people, the Israelites, and now with all who believe in His Son; “Kingship” (K), which looks at kings in the Old Testament, and how some obeyed and others disobeyed Him. It follows the Kingship les- sons in previous year to cover King Solomon and Jesus, the King of kings. The “Salvation” (S) which include the apostles’ conversions and ministry in the early church as well as the story of Jonah which will help children to understand God’s plan of salvation and how it relates to us. Special topics on Worship, Prayers, Mission and Creation Care are also included through the special events for the year.

Primary age groups

The Primary children are taught the same Bible books as the adult congregation. This facilitates discussion and reinforcement within families. In 2024, we will be covering Gospel of Luke 1—9, Joshua, Acts 1—13 and Isaiah. In addition, we will have Missions Month in September to partner with our missionaries or missions agencies.
