There is no Sat 5pm service at ARPC@Adam on 4 Jan. Our services will resume on 5 Jan at all three locations.

drawn by light ministry


Photography, in the Greek root word, means “drawn by light”. It captures the essence of photography as we need light to capture images. Drawn By Light (DLM) as a ministry, however, seeks to draw others to Christ who is the Light, as we are also drawn to Him.

DLM serves the church with our God-given talent and interest in photography. We shoot many church activities over the year to provide a visual chronicle of ARPC church life. Some of these photos are featured in the church bulletin, the annual handbook and the DG handbook.

With the popularity of social media such as Instagram and Facebook, more people across the spectrum are taking photographs much more frequently and DLM leverages on this trend to organise workshops to reach others. We share our photography skills freely with others while also taking the opportunity to share our faith. We welcome ARPC members and their friends to attend these workshops that we organise in conjunction with other church groups such as Special Needs Support Network (SN)2.