There is no Sat 5pm service at ARPC@Adam on 4 Jan. Our services will resume on 5 Jan at all three locations.

Mercy Ministry

“Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.”
- Luke 6:36-37


Think of Visitation and Cancer Support. Think of Bereavement and Prisons ministries. Think of love and mercy extended to the marginalised. This is the Mercy Ministry.

Mercy is at the heart of God’s character. Being made anew in Christ does not mean that we do not struggle with sin or are sinless. We are now beloved children of God only through atonement by Christ’s blood.

Each Thursday's gathering is a reminder that we, jailed before or not, have all been unquestionably redeemed in Jesus to become authentic, as-we-are worshippers of God...saved from continuing in our own maladaptive ways. We thank God that this ministry has grown to what it is.

Lon & Weiling BASK Prospects

We live to showcase God’s gospel. Just as God showed us mercy through His Son, we too now extend His mercy to others. We do not strive to be their saviours. But through acts of mercy, we point them to the only true Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

ARPC’s outreach of mercy dates back to the 1990s when Pastor Christopher Chia ministered at The Helping Hand.

Being part of the Mercy Ministry through BASK and In-care has been a very enriching experience for both my husband, Poh Gee, and myself. Besides having a close group of brothers and sisters to mutually encourage as we live out our faith, we have the blessing of being led by our leaders who model for us what humble and sacrificial service to the Lord and to each other looks like. Church family takes on a new meaning for us experientially ever since we joined the Mercy Ministry.

Patti & Poh Gee Prison & BASK

In 2009, Prison Fellowship Singapore invited the church to partner them in providing In-Care for in-mates. This work later extended to Aftercare Fellowship (Brothers’ And Sisters’ Keepers—BASK). Since 2009, God has grown the Mercy Ministry to include the Bereavement, Cancer Support, Visitation and Prisons (In-care and Aftercare) ministries. In 2014, a women’s team also started ministering in Changi Women’s Prison.

I feel blessed to be part of Mercy Ministry, especially to sending out the monthly prayer list for our dear brothers and sisters, and their families who are facing the battle against cancer. It’s truly a reminder of how our faith and prayers means when we come together as a community. Every name on that list represents someone in need of strength, hope, and healing in His name. I’m grateful to be part of a church family that believes in the power of God’s love and grace to comfort and heal.

Joeann, Mercy Ministry Cancer Support