There is no Sat 5pm service at ARPC@Adam on 4 Jan. Our services will resume on 5 Jan at all three locations.

Boy's and Girls' Brigade

Our Christian-Based Uniform Groups


The Boys’ Brigade (BB) and The Girls’ Brigade (GB) are Christian-based uniformed youth organisations which operate in local schools as Core-Curricular Activities (CCA). ARPC sponsors 4 BB Companies (5th, 34th, 42nd & 66th) and 2 GB Companies (12th & 28th) in four schools in Woodlands (Marsiling Secondary and Woodlands Secondary Schools), Bukit Timah (Nanyang Primary School) and Bishan (Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Secondary School). Total number of the Boys & Girls are 150.

The Boys & Girls come from a wide spectrum of the society. There are some from who travels daily from Johor Bahru to attend school here.  There are those whose parents work long hours and students return to an empty home.  There are also those who come from a dysfunctional family where their differences becomes a barrier. However, one common denominator which cut across this wide spectrum is love. 

Each Boy or Girl is an individual created in God’s image who needs to be redeemed by God.   BBGB, for many of them, is their first encounter with Christianity.  Through BBGB Ministry, they get to hear the Good News proclaimed.  80% of the students are non-believers. They are captive audience for a good 4 to 5 years with us.  Through these 4 to 5 years, we want to seize every opportunity to teach them who God is & the difference He makes in our life. 

The Good News of our Lord Christ is also shared through our teaching and modelling of our lives. There are tremendous opportunity to share the good news to 80% of the students.  Many of them lack a role model and we play a key role in providing godly role model in their life.

ARPC members/regulars serve as Officers and helpers to reach out to the Boys and Girls. Each adult co-worker is the conduit and channel for God’s love to flow through to the Boys and Girls. We provide fun, meaningful and challenging activities like Christian Education, Leadership Development, Community Service and Global Awareness. Through our weekly interaction with the youths, we build relationships with them, love them and provide guidance and mentorship to nurture them in character and skills. 


12 Apr (Sat)

40th Combined Enrolment Ceremony (Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Secondary School)

Be there to befriend the parents and encourage the Boys and Girls

2 Mar - 6 Apr

BB Week (Annual fundraising)

Give generously to the work of the BB, and befriend Boys at the Services

27 Jul - 14 Sep

GB Fortnight (Annual fundraising)

Give generously to the work of the GB, and befriend Girls at the Services

26 - 28 Sep

Combined BB & GB Leaders' Retreat

A time for BBGB Leaders to recharge, unite and fellowship

13 Dec (Sat)

BB Share-A-Gift

Join us to deliver goodie bags to our beneficiaries

our Boys' Brigade companies

5th Company

Kuo Chuan
Secondary School

34th Company

Secondary School

42J Company

Primary School

66Th Company

Secondary School

Our Girls' Brigade Companies

12th Company

Primary School

28th Company

Kuo Chuan
Secondary School
