tabitha Fellowship
Tabitha Fellowship aims to befriend, bless and share the gospel with Indonesian domestic helpers whom God brings to Singapore
Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.
- Psalm 96:3
Ceritakanlah kemuliaan-Nya di antara bangsa-bangsa dan perbuatan-perbuatan yang ajaib di antara segala suku bangsa.
Being away from home and working in a foreign land can be a challenging time for many. Tabitha Fellowship welcomes Indonesian domestic helpers to join us in fellowship, prayer and reading the Word in Bahasa Indonesia. We also meet for English lessons monthly to improve English fluency, and to help adapt to life in Singapore. Ladies of all faiths are welcome!
Please encourage your Indonesian helpers to join us!
Look out for the announcements in the weekly church bulletins or contact us for more details of meetings.