Just for newcomers
Just For Newcomers (JFN) is a 13-week course to introduce you to three foundations of the Christian faith.

Just for Newcomers (JFN) is a 13-week course designed to help newcomers integrate into our ARPC church life, and eventually be part of one of our small groups (called Discipleship Groups).
Two batches of Class JFN run each year to help newcomers to ARPC join a Discipleship Groups (DGs) and be part of God’s family here. JFNers meet in ARPC@Adam or ARPC@Tengah for 13 weeks and move on to meet in various places at various times as a DG. We require a 70% (9 out of 13 weeks) attendance for “graduation”. JFN is often in great demand, so please sign up early.
NB: If you are not yet a Christian, we prefer that you complete the Discovering Christianity course first before attending the JFN class.
It has been a very fruitful learning journey for all of us in JFN. Thank you for your love and patience in leading us through the course. We want to thank you for your diligence, time and effort during all these Sunday afternoons in feeding us this rich spiritual food.
The JFN course seeks to introduce you to
3 foundations of the Christian faith:
A Portrait of
Jesus Christ
The Master who Disciples us
A Big Picture
of the Bible
The Source of our Discipleship
7 Foundational
The Life of a Disciple
Details of 2025 JFN runs
JFN Run one
9 Mar - 1 Jun
JFN Retreat (12 Apr)
JFN Run two
17 aug - 9 nov
JFN Retreat (20 sep)
sign up